Described as “the best and brightest litigators across the US and Canada” by Benchmark Litigation, twelve partners were named to the legal researcher’s 2022 40 and Under Hot List. The firm’s honorees hail from all four Susman Godfrey offices and three of the five regions covered by the Benchmark: Northeast, South, and West.
Recognized lawyers include Houston partners Ryan Caughey, David Peterson, and Meng Xi, Los Angeles partners Amanda Bonn, Michael Gervais and Krysta Pachman, New York partners Elisha Barron, Mark Hatch-Miller, Tamar Lusztig and Zach Savage, and Seattle partners Ian Gore and Andres Healy.
Benchmark Litigation is “the only publication on the market to focus exclusively on litigation work.” The publication conducts research through “extensive interviews with litigators, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the leading litigators and firms.”